Pruuvn® Advantage

A Data Trust utilizing blockchain technology allowing individuals to maintain control of their credentialing and background data, allowing the ability to share this data on-demand with employers, financial institutions, and virtually anyone…anywhere…anytime.

“The signup process was simple when applying for my current position. I like the transparency of the platform and the ability to take and share my data as I see fit.”

Numbers to Date


Credentialed Users


Savings in onboarding cost 


Saving in onboarding time

Easier Candidate Sourcing

Streamline the entire process, allowing you to  eliminate  unnecessary platforms and costs.


Identify and search for candidates via the marketplace that meet your set criteria.


Instantly onboard potential candidates from verified Pruuvn™ network.


Maintain peace of mind through compliance monitoring on the platform.

Join Pruuvn™ Advantage

Join thousands of talent leaders across the country learning new ways to optimize and revamp their recruiting processes to hire the best talent.